The City Council of Terrassa creates a map of the inclusive resources offered by the city

There are more than 300, between municipalities and entities

The City Council of Terrassa has just made available the citizenship of the Map of
Inclusive Resources of Terrassa, a virtual tool that can be consulted at The map collects all the information about the equipment, services, entities’ premises and any other place where they are carried out, actions or projects that promote the inclusion of people in different areas of everyday life. The map identifies 302 resources, of which 154 are developed and / or managed by the City Council of Terrassa, and 148 by the social entities of the territory.

Each resource located on the map is exposed in a descriptive file with the data
of contact, web, telephone and social networks, among other information. The people who consult the map can search the resources on cartography and also have the option to download all the resources in a list. In order to facilitate the search based on the needs of each person, they have been classified in six different areas or categories, which can be viewed separately on the map:

• Economic: resources destined to people in situations of monetary poverty and / or insufficient access to sources of income. It includes resources dedicated to distribution of food and clothing, advice on social tariffs, etc.
• Healthcare: it encompasses diverse areas such as dependence, family planning, stigmatized illnesses, mental health, drug addiction prevention, etc.
• Labor: they are related to unemployment; orientation, insertion and work advice, job boards, etc.
• Formative: it includes resources such as recreation centers, school reinforcement, or information about scholarships and the process, among others.
• Residential: includes resources destined for people without decent housing or who live in a difficult environment.
• Relational: these are aimed at improving the links between people, such as leisure activities for the elderly, support groups for specific groups, family workshops, etc.

To develop this project, the City Council of Terrassa has made a process of data collection and diagnosis with 26 municipal services and 42 entities of the city, which in the future will update the information so that the map is a dynamic tool that does not lose its utility over time.

Towards a new plan with an inclusive and community perspective
The development of the Terrassa Inclusive Resources Map is framed in the Local Plan for Social Inclusion of Terrassa (PLIS) that the City Council launched in 2011 with the objective of carrying out all the policies related to social inclusion in a coordinated way. Since then, the plan has been updated, through a participatory process of associative and citizen character for the definition and implementation of a new plan. As of 2015, following the agreement of the Plenary to update the PLIS, the technical office of the Plan has focused on the evaluation of the plan in the period 2011-2015, the social diagnosis, the annual update of the maps of vulnerability and the creation of this inclusive resource map that has just been completed this week. In 2018, the City Council assumed the challenge of articulating social inclusion policies from the point of view of community action, following the new methodological framework of the Generalitat of Catalonia.