NL6 #igualtatsconnect

“Intersectional perspective for social intervention”

Marisela Montenegro has a degree in Psychology from the Central University of Venezuela and a PhD in Social Psychology from the Autónoma University of Barcelona. She has also been interested in the critical analysis of social intervention processes from feminist and postcolonial perspectives, as well as for the study of collective action initiatives around sexual and gender dissidences, community processes and migrant and asylum-seeking struggles.

For next November 7, Marisela Montenegro will lead the workshop “Intersectional Perspective for Social Intervention”. Which is part of the Cycle on Intersectionality in the City which proposes to introduce the contributions and critiques of the notion of intersectionality towards public management policies of diversity. At the same time proposes to generate a reflection on the impact of intersectionality on social intervention, generating proposals for the incorporation of the intersectional perspective in public policies and intervention practices in local projects

Below you can find some reference articles about the next session:

– Anzaldúa, Gloria (1987), Borderlands: the new mestiza = The frontier (1. ed). San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books.

– hooks, bell; Brah, Avtar; Sandoval, Chela; Anzaldúa, Gloria; Morales, Levins; Bhavnani, Kum-Kum; Coulson, Margaret; Alexander, M. Jacqui and Mohanty, Chandra Talpade (2004). Otras inapropiables Feminismos desde las fronteras. Madrid: Traficantes de sueños.

– Platero, Raquel (Lucas) (Ed.). (2012) Intersecciones: cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra,

– Romero Bachiller, Carmen, and Montenegro Martínez, Marisela (2018). Políticas públicas para la gestión de la diversidad sexual y de género: Un análisis interseccional. Psicoperspectivas, 17 (1) .https: //

Remember that the video record of the session will be uploaded soon on the web.

Come and participate!