Debates and challenges in the application of intersectionality in the local sphere

For the last workshop in the Cycle on Intersectionality in the City that will be held on November 28, there will be Gerard Coll-Planas, Phd in sociology at the UAB and professor at the Vic University, where he directs the Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Miquel Missé. He is sociologist and consultant on sexual and gender diversity, researcher of the Sexual and Gender Diversity Study Line of the Vic University. On the other hand, there will be Roser Solà-Morales politologist, expert in gender and participation. Researcher of the Line of Studies on Sexual and Gender Diversity at the Vic University.

 This workshop “Debates and challenges in the application of intersectionality at the local level” seeks to share experiences of other local administrations that have developed policies or actions from this perspective. At the same time it aims to explain and illustrate how the intersectional perspective can be applied in public policies that work on sexual and gender diversity through theoretical sessions combined with video-forum dynamics and debate in which there will be presented experiences of intersectionality in local politics at international level generating a dynamic for the end of the cycle.

Below you can find some reference articles about the final session:

  • COLL-PLANAS, G. AND CRUELLS, M. (2013).”La Puesta en práctica de la interseccionalidad política: el caso de las políticas LGTB en Cataluña” Spanish Journal of Political Science, 31: 153-172.
  • MONTENEGRO MARTINEZ, M. AND ROMERO BACHILLER, C. (2018) “Políticas públicas para la gestión de la diversidad sexual y de género. Un análisis interseccional”. Psicoperspectivas  Vol. 17, No. 1, 2.018.

Remember that the video record of the session will be uploaded soon on the web.

Come and participate!